Product at a Glance
Foot Cover

Keeps your little one warm as the weather gets cold and windy. Available in six fabrics, it matches the color of your stroller perfectly. It easily attaches to the stroller with two tiny straps hooking over the bumper bar of pushchair.
This footcover is a perfect accessory for your baby's winter look while it is functional, adequately warm and comfortable.

Main Features
- For children from 6 to 36 months.
- Made from soft and stylish cotton.
- Attachment to the stroller with two straps.
- Easy to install and take off.


Keep your little one warm

If there’s one thing you’re definitely going to care about, it is the health and safety of your child while you’re going out and about. Also finding ways to look stylish on cold days, may be a bit of struggle for parents. Fortunately, with the Volltek stroller foot cover you can rest assured that your baby will be kept warm and safe and also look stylish.